Saturday 30 January 2010

Gutzkow conference in Exeter, 7-9 Sept 2010

Karl Gutzkow und seine Zeitgenossen
Karl Gutzkow and His Contemporaries

University of Exeter, 7-9 September 2010

The conference ‘Gutzkow and His Comtemporaries’ seeks to enable academics who are not Karl Gutzkow experts to engage with this writer, an eminent cultural figure in Germany from the 1830s to the 1870s. As a liberal critic and journal editor, Gutzkow scarcely missed an opportunity to express his controversial opinions or display his encyclopaedic knowledge, thus shaping public debates and provoking both supportive and hostile responses. In the run-up to the author’s bicentenary in 2011, the conference hopes to provide an external perspective on Gutzkow through the eyes of fellow writers, publicists, artists, musicians, people associated with the theatre, and scientists. Apart from dealing with Gutzkow’s personal contacts and correspondence partners, the conference sheds light on other contemporaries, developments and institutions for whom or which Gutzkow’s work was significant. Material will thus be provided for a history of German literature and culture in the nineteenth century which is as yet largely unwritten, a history based rather more on intellectual exchanges than on results.

Confirmed Keynote speaker: Professor Jeffrey Sammons (Yale University)

Provisional Programme

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Keynote address

Jeffrey Sammons: ‘Observations on the Gutzkow Revival from the Periphery’

The Vormärz context and beyond (I) (Chair: Peter Stein)

Michael Perraudin: Heine and Gutzkow

Dirk Göttsche: ‘Karl Gutzkow und Heinrich Laube: Poetologische Aspekte einer Zeitgenossenschaft’

David Horrocks: ‘Gutzkow and Büchner’

The Vormärz context and beyond (II) (Chair: Michael Perraudin)

Peter Hasubek: ‘Gutzkow und Immermann – Immermann und Gutzkow. Zwei unterschiedliche Perspektiven’

Peter Stein: Im "Waffendienst der Zeit": Karl Gutzkow und die vormärzliche politische Lyrik’

Bernd Füllner: ‘Gutzkow und der Verleger Julius Campe’


Wednesday, 8 September

The 1850s context and beyond (Chair: Gert Vonhoff)

Ben Schofield: ‘"Ohne Tendenz? Ohne Idee!" Radicalism, Revolution and Realism in the Literary Exchange between Karl Gutzkow and Gustav Freytag’

Florian Krobb: ‘"... durch den Quark und Mist der Zeit": Überlegungen zu Raabe und Gutzkow’

Helen Chambers: ‘Theodor Fontane and Gutzkow’

Drama and Music (Chair: David Horrocks)

K. Scott Baker: ‘Schiller, Gutzkow, Laube, Hebbel: German Historical Drama of the 1850s’

Duncan Large: ‘Richard Wagner and Gutzkow’

Hugh Ridley: ‘Gutzkow and Wagner. Modernisation in Prose and Music’

Aesthetics (Chair: Martina Lauster)

Catherine Minter: ‘Gutzkow and Jean Paul’

Olaf Briese: ‘Annäherung und Distanz. Karl Rosenkranz und Karl Gutzkow’

John Rignall: ‘Gutzkow and George Eliot: Realism and "der Roman des Nebeneinander"’

Acting, roles and shifting perceptions (Chair: Helen Chambers)

Andrew Cusack: ‘Gutzkow und Holtei – Theatricality and Literary Roles in the "Vormärz"’

Veronica Butler: ‘Gutzkow's changing perception of August Lewald, 1833 1871’

Anita Bunyan: ‘Berthold Auerbach and Gutzkow’


Thursday, 9 September

Frankfurt and Dresden (Chair: Peter Hasubek)

Martina Lauster: ‘Versammelt im "Glashaus": Gutzkow und Zeitgenossen im Frankfurt am Main der 1830er Jahre’

Wulf Wülfing: ‘Gutzkows "Unterhaltungen am häuslichen Herd" und seine Mitarbeiter’

Henrik A. Karge: ‘Gutzkow in Dresden. Zum Verhältnis von Literaten und bildenden Künstlern in der Nachmärzzeit’

Annegret Karge: ‘Gutzkow und Robert Reinick in der Dresdener Montagsgesellschaft’

The reception of Gutzkow (Chair: Olaf Briese)

Wolfgang Rasch: ‘Spitzmausprofil und schnüffelndes Wesen – Karl Gutzkow im Bild seiner Zeitgenossen’

Kerstin Meixner / Lukas Werner: ‘Gutzkow-Biographien und ihre narrative Struktur’

Lothar Schneider: ‘"Wie roh und ungeschlacht, wie nachlässig und bequem schrieb oft Gutzkow." Gutzkow-Rezeptionen im späten 19. Jahrhundert’

Ruth Whittle: ‘Karl Gutzkow in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte. Impotenter Reflexionsschwelger oder "Ritter vom Geist"?’


Proposals for additional papers of 15-20 minutes should be sent to Prof. Martina Lauster and Prof. Gert Vonhoff. As the papers of the above programme have been invited, the organizers can only accept a very limited number of additional papers.

Please submit 200-300 word abstracts, including a short biographical note, to Gert Vonhoff ( This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it ) or Martina Lauster ( This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it ).

Deadline for submissions: 30th June 2010


The conference is sponsored by:

Forum Vormärz Forschung

Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow

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