Saturday 30 January 2010

Karl Gutzkow's Blog

This is the first contribution to Karl Gutzkow's Blog, edited by the 'Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow'.

If you want to learn more about the 'Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow', please visit our Website under .

Our project originated in 1997, with a conference in Keele, England. Since then we have established a hybrid edition as a work on progress. Volumes of the texts of Karl Gutzkow are published with the Oktoberverlag in Muenster, Germany, whereas all the texts and commentaries are simultaneously published online under the above mentioned address.

With the bicentenary of Gutzkows birth coming up in 2011, the 'Editionsprojekt' is planning and organising a series of events, about which this blog will inform. News of the 'Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow' will be another focus of the blog. It invites English and German speaking people interested in the author to communicate among themselves and into the 'Editionsprojekt'.

(Editor of the contribution: Gert Vonhoff, University of Exeter, 30 Jan 2010)